Tucai’s steps in 60 years

Headquartered in Barcelona, Spain, and with our branches in Eastern Europe and Asia-Pacific, TUCAI is a customer-oriented company – Distributor and Manufacturer – that specializes in offering diversified solutions of flexible hoses and valves for the connection of multiple applications for water, gas and oil.

With a dedicated team of more than 650 employees spread across Asia and Europe, Tucai provides customers with first-class R&D, design and production support, and always maintains close relationships with customers to ensure the best service.

Origin of TUCAI

In 1963, Messrs. Grau, Arnó and Tua founded TUCAI in Barcelona to manufacture connecting hoses for the automotive industry. Towards the end of the 1970s, faced with the trend of emigration of the Spanish automobile manufacturing industry due to the recession, TUCAI took the wise and intelligent decision to transform itself to the new needs, so that, with the accession of Spain to the European Union in 1986, the company gradually became a manufacturer of flexible kitchen and bathroom products.

TUCAI Ningbo Plant

Following this transformation, TUCAI finally established itself in the industry in 2002, when it took the opportunity to build a 14,000 square meter plant in Ningbo, China, to expand its OEM business in Asia Pacific, the Americas and South Africa.

TUCAI Bulgaria plant

Five years later, Tucai was still growing, and in 2007 it founded the Tucai Bulgaria plant, its main production base in Europe. Tucai thus completed the deployment of three major manufacturing bases in Asia, Western Europe and Eastern Europe. With the work and collaboration between the three plants, TUCAI built a complete supply system with operations in more than 100 countries around the world. In addition, that same year, the Tucai sales office was established in Shanghai (China), in order to continue with the company’s firm intention of always being close to the customer.

Already in 2010, just three years later, Tucai ranked among the top 3 flex manufacturers in the world with net sales of $47 million. In 2013, coinciding with the company’s 50th anniversary, the Guangdong (China) Office was established based on the concept of providing the first-class services to consumers around the world.

In 2014, in the spirit of seeking new horizons, Tucai Group acquired TMM, a well-known Spanish brand of valves to start a new line of business in the plumbing sector.

60 years of Tucai

Ten years later, now having celebrated the company’s 60th anniversary, it can be said that more than 400 million families use Tucai products in their sanitary installations, air conditioning systems, etc. With a scheme centered at the headquarters in Barcelona, with production facilities in Europe and Asia, and warehousing facilities in America and Europe, Tucai products are being exported to more than 100 countries with more than 3,000 points of sale, as the company is involved in the retail sector with DIY building materials supermarkets, hardware stores, specialized installation channels and various engineering renovation projects.

Present and future of Tucai

With the Tucai33 program, the company also wanted to capture the evolution of Tucai in its slogan. He turned Connectors for life into Connecting for life.

This transformation is a reflection of the fact that Tucai has made it an important part of the company’s mission to be proactive in the development of its products and to remain oriented to the needs of its customers. “CONNECTING” indicates the company’s active desire to offer its customers a wide range of products related to connection systems, both flexible and valves.

“CONNECTING FOR LIFE” GUIDES TUCAI’S guides the direction of Tucai. It serves as a beacon to unite the more than 650 employees and guides each and every one of them to act in a way that makes the company ever more professional, reliable, honest and responsible.

In the future, Tucai is committed to further research and innovation, and will continue to provide the highest quality, well-matched, high-performance products focused on the needs of our customers, to maximize the benefits of Tucai products and thus enhance the value of our partners!

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