Tucai celebrates its 60th anniversary as a family

On September 30, 2023, Tucai celebrated its 60th anniversary with a Family Day dedicated to all the families that support and make Tucai project possible. It was a day full of fun and fellowship, where the more than 160 attendees, including employees and family members, first enjoyed a tour of the factory, then a series of activities for the whole family and, finally, they had lunch together, culminating with a live music concert that enlivened the afternoon.

Tucai is a family-owned company that, since its foundation in 1963, has grown steadily to become a global company with a presence in more than 80 countries and a team of more than 600 professionals. They form a united team with a common commitment to continue collaborating with faucet and heating manufacturers to develop flexible connection solutions and customized fittings.

The company maintains the same initial motivation to listen to the needs of installers in order to design sustainable and innovative products that facilitate and improve the safety of installations and provide business opportunities for its distributors.

The 60th anniversary celebration will not stop at this family day, which was a great success according to the attendees. As Lorenzo Piera, Tucai’s CEO, said in his speech, “The company has planned a series of commemorative activities during the next year, because we have a lot to thank everyone – employees, suppliers and customers. We must thank them for their support to Tucai and for having made possible our journey during these 60 years until 2023, when we find ourselves with a consolidated project for the future and with a great desire to continue growing and improving”.

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